We emPOWER our clients to find their unique door to success.

Eva, a mother of three and sweet treat maker, took the leap and became an official business owner this year. Eva participates in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, which focuses on employment supports and helps families transition from receiving housing assistance to living without public support. A unique component of this program is the escrow account option that helps capture rental assistance savings as income increases and need decreases. Participants can receive $20,000+ to use as a down payment for a home purchase or to meet other needs—in 2022, the average was $5,072.

With guidance and resources from the Business Incubator Center and Doors 2Success, Eva has a thriving, home-based business selling (delicious!) jams and snacks.

Photo of a served family

Who We Serve

Discover the lifeline for Mesa County's vulnerable. Over 3,380 people rely on Grand Junction Housing Authority's support to secure stable housing.

Appartments of the Grand Junction Housing Authority

What We Do

From skill-building initiatives to vital financial assistance, we empower families towards stable housing and economic independence.